Thursday, October 25, 2012

I Conquered Mt. Apo!

October 19, 2012 at around 8AM, I logged out from work (11-7shift) and directed to the van terminal at Gaisano Mall of Davao where some of my friends are already waiting and we left the city to Digos then.

At Digos bus terminal, we rode a tricycle going to the market where the old terminal is, and looked for another ride to Kapatagan. It was getting hot while waiting for its departure, so we ate our lunch in a small carenderia where our van is parked, realizing it was my first meal of the day because I only ate a hamburger for a quick breakfast. We were almost getting out of time when our van finally set off. I took a nap on the road, still filled with excitement and fear of whatever contingencies that might come along our way, praying that we've got everything we need and we'll make it through the mountain safely.

I felt the cool breeze when I woke up at Kapatagan. The driver dropped us by the registration office to pay our entrance fee of P400/head and when we reached the drop-off, my heart starts to pound fast. This is it! But there's still one last ride to go, a habal-habal going to Sitio Mainit. Lol! It was a rough ride because the road is challenging you might fall if you lost your balance. Good thing we got the best driver and he set us down safely by the end of the road, leaving us some tips of who and where to find a local guide.

I took my bag behind my back saying "I can do this!" We moved our feet towards the mountains passing along a farm of cabbages and greeted the locals. I started to feel dizzy when we were ascending not far enough than 100 meters. My friend, Kela said I looked pale and everyone got worried. Then I think to myself, I'd be a burden if I can't go on like this, so I can still decide to go home instead. Jake, who also came from a graveyard duty like me, encouraged me to take it slow until my body can cope up, because we still don't have enough rest and sleep. As I looked to my friends I thought of the need to survive this climb. We have all wanted it. I saw Trisha's eagerness and also Ever's face of exhaustion, but we need to respect each and everyone's needs, to be sensitive to recognize other's feelings, so we try to wait for each other. We walked together. Joseph and Boboy, my high school batch mates who also served as our guide, reminded us of the remaining time left to reach the first camp site at Sitio Paradise. Way to go, team!

We reached camp Paradise with more time left to finish the afternoon but Joseph and Boboy decided to stay here for the night because we won't be able to make it to the next camp before it gets dark. I agreed of course, because I really think I cannot make it through the day.
Welcome to Paradise!

Day 2. We woke up getting ready for the climb proper. This would be a tough day so better feed our stomachs! We ate our breakfast, filled our water bottles, and cooked our lunch food that we can just eat along the trail. There are many water sources in Mt. Apo which is safe to drink. Enjoy it free!

Ready for take off!

I enjoyed hiking the trail with no more dizziness but rather a rush of adrenaline and clean oxygen in my veins, with the sweat of love and passion for the mountains that's coming out of my pores, a thirst only for natural waters in the wild, my body that excites more as it touches the bareness of the earth, and my lungs that expands as I climb up gasping for fresh air.

We also walk the talk, with humor of every nuances of ideas so we wouldn't easily feel tired. Ever and Jake are good actors. They always crack jokes that often make us stop to breathe harder. But there's also one thing about Ever we girls annoyingly observed, he's so vain he always apply sunblock over and over again on his face. HAHA!

We reached camp Godi-Godi in about five hours and spend the rest of the day here. We can't push ourselves to hurry if that's just all we can take. There, is a very beautiful place inside the mossy forest like that of the Twilight movie where Edward Cullen confessed his love and identity to Bella.
Mossy forest
Camp Godi-Godi

The rain poured when we installed our tents up until dawn. We had a 'cheers for another adventure' night to fight the coldness of the evening. Everyone had a good sleep though.

Day 3.
A beautiful cold morning greeted us the next day. Boboy even saw a monkey but I didn't catch it. We headed to the summit this time, full of energy and vitality after eating our breakfast, drinking coffee, and defecating into the woods. Hehehe.. ;)

To the boulders and peak!!!

Mt. Apo boulders, Kapatagan trail
Mt. Apo Sulfur vents
Boboy & Joseph's stolen shot
Mt. Apo buddies

Joseph and Boboy said we were lucky enough we reached the boulders and peak dry. And I said, Thank You Lord, You really blessed us to be here!

We took more pictures everywhere. We reached the crater lake then went to the grotto to eat our lunch and take a little rest. Kela and I almost got lost, we just stopped and took a bite of sneakers, until Ever came back for us to the cross.

And oh, don't forget to taste the wild berries!

This place is so wonderful you'd love to lie on the green bed of grasses and just let the wind caress your tired body, and the sun to kiss your resilient face. But be careful, you'll get sunburned! :)

We would really love to stay at the peak for a night to witness the majestic sunrise the next day, but we won't be able to come home on time before reality knocks on our doors. We proceeded to Lake Venado after lunch and camp there instead.
Lake Venado♥

It was our last night at Mt. Apo, a night to celebrate. So, Kela and I cooked spaghetti for everyone who are exhausted and dreaming to spend the rest of the night in a cozy room with a delicious heavy dinner. But wait, we still have more dried fish! Everybody's been complaining we always eat dried fish the whole day that our sweat almost taste like it. HAHAHA!

RJ, our kind local guide and porter, professed his "dramas" that he will be missing us and it hurts him to say good bye soon. We will not forget him too, because he had been a friend to us in this journey. He is a gentleman, an assertive and very cool guy he runs into the boulders with bare feet. We left him our landmarks in case he would visit Davao City. We left Lake Venado via Kidapawan trail, with anxieties of separation that our feat is about to end. I enjoyed the lush of flora on the way out of the lake, and the invigorating silence of the forest down to Mt. Apo's foot. The thrill that tickles my nerves every time I walk through misty woods is something I lusciously treasure and will never ever forget.

Kidapawan trail

River crossing...

If it's adventure you seek, you must definitely set your foot here. 'Coz in every path you cross, you also find yourself better in the quest for survival, who you are and what you are in your worst clothes without the make up on.


End of the line.

But the end of the trail has brought me mixed emotions. Conquering Mt. Apo is one of the best achievement one can boast to his friends. Imagine climbing the Philippines' highest peak! I rode home with pride and humility, even though we felt bad with the DOT taking the Kidapawan exit, I still got the vigor and insatiable lust for more mountains.


I arrived home October 22, 2012 at around 9PM, took a bath and headed back to work for my 11-7 shift. Yes, I did not sleep yet! Still hyped I did not even close my eyes for a nap/break until I came home after duty.


Friday, August 31, 2012

A for EPOL

The road to Epol on a foggy day

A colleague and friend of mine wanted to go to the highlands for a short vacation. She wants me to bring her somewhere, and I thought of a convenient place for her with a taste of adventure, so we agreed to visit Epol. It's her parent's hometown, too. We didn't worry about where to stay because her relatives offered us a room. It was a cute tiny log house along the highway. We went there at night, slept and woke up early to trek the mountain and find waterfalls. I invited a high school friend, John Ray, who have been there before to be our guide and it was our first time to hike together and meet again. He's a young mountaineer, adventure enthusiast, a wanderlust. He wanted to revisit the place to check on Berto, the local caretaker of the land that became his friend. My colleague too, Genebeb or Beb for short, invited her cousin Eleanor to tag along. They had been once the children of Epol that have grown up now in the city. Then, reminded of their childhood life, Eleanor got herself in as we were packing to leave with only her sweater, a skirt and slippers on.

Purok 9. Starting point
Mud overload

After those dyspneic hikes on muddy trails and bruising grasses, a view this great is a sure alleviation.

Happy bathing
Giant log in front of the falls

This waterfall is found within the glorious valleys of Marilog. Beside the falls, you can find a cave I can't remember how far. We attempted to enter it but we didn't go further, even with Berto, because the water was unpredictable it might suddenly rise. He also said there were snakes, but we only found a crab.

We headed forth to a kawa John Ray mentioned where we can take a dive and swim. It's quite far enough trekking the river but it was sure fun and relaxing to the feet. The cold wetness really unstrains my working body.

Front view with a hut
John Ray diving the kawa

Going back, we used another trail passing the beautiful view of Arakan Valley. It's where Berto lives, so we also dropped by his house and bought some kind of rattan bracelets they made. John Ray left his gifts of donations to the family of Berto such as noodles, canned goods and shirts. He told me about this and I also brought some stuff I could offer.

That's John Ray, Berto, Beb, and Eleanor (left to right)

I just loved the magnificent panorama of Arakan Valley! The waterfalls was also an enchanting scene, and the unwinding river trekking has become one of my favorites. I was also surprised seeing a green slender snake that floats as it crossed our path, WEW! Thank you guys for another memorable journey! ☺☺☺

Sunday, May 27, 2012

My First Meeting with the Mountains

Would you like to try something new?

I wasn't even thinking about the word "adventure." I was stressed out from work and I just wanted to go somewhere for an escapade. My friend Joseph introduced me this mountaineering idea and I invited my girl friends in, and they're game! An exciting new adventure to try was an experience we never thought was hard. Joseph never failed to point us the things to prepare and do before engaging in the sport. But busy bees didn't warm up well, only did we conditioned our minds that we will walk through the mountains, just pack light and done! Enjoy the fresh air! 

We left from Davao City via Bus ride to Buda (Bani/Matigol falls) late in the morning. I was seated next to an old man, with my very light pack bag and a plastic bag of snacks and drinks. Joseph told me it's better not to bring any hand carry's so I tried to put everything in my pack. The old man beside me, asked where we're heading. His name is Boy. At first I was afraid, but along the road trip he was telling his stories and then I knew he's a mountain biker/painter/family man. He also introduced me the places we've already dropped by and his hometown, Bukidnon. He was like a tour guide. When I rode off the bus with my friends, it was already afternoon, he waved me good luck:

"Observe precautionary measures. Enjoy mountain climbing! :) "

My feet ready, finally stood on the ground. But the sky cried for joy welcoming us for taking the journey with nature. It poured hard and we're all wet but thank God it didn't last long. Here's my view after the rain :)
First photo. Fifteen minutes pa lang nilakad namin dito from the drop off, ang layo na nila oh!

That fifteen minutes made my shoes gave up already that I had to find for a tie to keep it going. What a good challenging start, eh?! I felt ashamed and disappointed about it. I wish I didn't used those shoes because I knew it couldn't keep up. So I still tied the sole over it, proceeded and walked slower.

Thou shall not use crappy shoes when hiking!

As much as I'd like to enjoy the view of the surroundings, which I did somehow, my body is pained and tired. No I wouldn't want to be left out there. I had to keep walking. After an hour of hiking, we reached the camp site at last, pitched our tent and prepared our food early for dinner.
There's a shelter for climbers available here for P100/night.

But we slept in the tent, of course. Hello there! Bullet (left), Aireen (right)

Cheers for adventure!!! With new friend Pit (right)
My friend Aireen said she wasn't able to sleep well because it was so cold. While Bullet and I slept well, the boys, too, complained because they slept in the shelter where there are a lot of mosquitoes. We all woke up early to prepare ourselves for another day of hiking.
Water Source
Good morning, mountains!

Because my shoes did not survive the first attempt, a friend brought me a pair of sneakers to use. He already told me they were coming, too. They came early in the morning from a night trek and assaulted Matigol falls right then. Saviour Ray, thank you!
Just the right fit!

We hit the trail with the sun already getting hot, with just the few things we need like food, water and camera to reach the falls. We left our bags, clothes and tent locked in the camp site so that we won't suffer much from carrying our baggage while walking and crawling in the grasses. 

Bani falls trailway has a very scenic view you sure love to hike. The smell of fresh air on top of the ranging mountains is really breath taking, with the colors of green and blue that crosses the horizon makes you forget about the hardship of coming through the paths, and of course, the stresses you have while you were in the city. I slipped and fell a lot of times in trekking Bani falls. But when you see that your destination is already there, it would make you do a lot more.
Trail to Bani falls
Bani Falls


Not so top of the falls

When you want it, go for it. Dig in!
That feeling when you pass way your fear. Aireen on her 5K jersey

We arrived at the bottom of the falls by noon and ate our lunch with exhaustion and with that feeling of achievement. I did not eat much, I don't know why, and just stared at the falls with awe until my friends called me that we need to go back.
Bani Falls

We left Bani falls at 1:00PM and when we headed back to the camp site, we were again poured with blessings. It rained, just when my legs are aching and screaming for rest. I thought it was bad to encounter such while on the trail but the feeling it gives, it makes your muscles relax just like it washes away your tiredness. It was then that I loved to walk under the rain!

When we reached the camp, my girl friends and I would have want to stay for a while, dry ourselves and rest but Joseph was in a hurry to go home because of another errand. So we pushed ourselves to go back home, wanting to cry for help. I felt sorry for my friends too because they suffered much, but they also wanted to go home already to finish all of this. 

We were not traumatized. We were experienced and thus, thankful for this kind of journey we've run across that made us know more of ourselves in tough times. I am also grateful that I have met adventurous friends, and Joseph for influencing me the love for mountain climbing. God has really shown me His awesome nature and I would love to experience more of His creative kindness through traveling.

To God be the glory!