Sunday, October 12, 2014

The Marvelous "Asik-Asik" Falls

I've been wanting to visit this place a few years before, planning to hit it on my own but I didn't had the guts, until my friend Jake craved for it when he knew about this from a client friend.

From Davao City to Midsayap, North Cotabato, we drove in a public van for 4.5 hours with P350/head fare. From Midsayap to Dado, Alamada, we rode a habal-habal for P600/head, that's back and forth and it's the cheapest bargain ever unlike the P800 or P1000 deal, in 2 hours. The jump off point to Asik-Asik falls is a relief to our burning rump, with it's breezy open site on a mountaintop. The descent trek to the glamorous falls is about 30 minutes, with paved stairs of 350-something steps (Jake counted it 356 but not sure though). It doesn't matter. You'll enjoy the view!

At the bottom of the mountain is a river that leads you to the breath-taking "Asik-Asik" Falls. I felt my heart and body ease as I entranced the waterfall. It doesn't come out from a stream atop, it emerges from the rocks of the mountain, behind the miracle of its ground. I can't even get enough of its water. It tastes good, like a child-who-took-his-first-breath upon birth feeling, so fresh and clean, you want to take home a tank filled with its flavor. But NO, you'll die carrying it.

I went home without a pasalubong of its waters because I drank it up while on our way back. But it has filled my body with a taste of triumph witnessing one of the marvels of nature.

You can also ride this 8-wheeler jeepney, which was supposed to be our target, but it's a rare-jeepney-trips on Sundays we didn't catch it.

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Sa Isla ng Samal, Puting Bato!

The easiest way to escape the city life! If your into nature or mountaineering but only have little time to breakaway from your stressful work, you sure would want to run and cross the Island Garden City of Samal for that desperate time out. Hiking buddies, Jake, Kela and I patched up for this overnight vacation in Puting Bato to feed our feet off from lusting. 

From Davao City, we rode a bus going to PeƱaplata terminal for about an hour, then a habal-habal to Tayapoc, Puting Bato. There are two trails to Puting Bato but we took the most convenient Tayapoc trail because it's the only way Jake is familiar of. It was late in the afternoon that we came over the mountain. 

There's an entrance gate going to the peak, but it was closed when we got there by 6PM. It was getting dark and there's no one around, and no other way when we surveyed the scene, so we just barged in. There's an entrance fee too, of P20.00 for overnight stay. We were the only people out there so we just left our payments outside the hut.

We cooked our dinner and talked over the night, enjoyed our bonding until our mouths thirst for more water. There has to be a water source! But we only found a large pail of it that really looked dirty and contaminated. We squabbled over boiling it to be potable, but did not push it. Instead, we diverted our feelings to the serenity of the night and we got this beautiful view.

It wasn't a clear starry night, we even thought its going to rain, but amongst the misty dark clouds there lies the full moon. Its light mirrors on the calmness of the sea, and gives silhouettes of the plants and trees that dance with the wind. The coldness had not made me debile and empty, rather it filled my soul with the joy of coming to this world free and resilient. And that somewhere out there, someone will come to me and show me the rest of the world. ☺

Waking up in the morning in this beautiful refreshing place is such a wonderful feeling I couldn't ask for anything more. I thanked God for bringing me here!

Jake strolling

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Misadventures in Camiguin

 I got home from my 11-7 shift and I'm about to doze off for my two days rest. My mother, who was already packing up her things, jolted me to join their escapade that day with her workmates going to Camiguin. She told me about this plan a few days ago but I wasn't interested because of my "work schedules." I always got left behind in almost all family vacations! YES. That's a nurse's life. Duty calls... But my mother's excitement, as well as my niece's, carried on to me as to hit the road and unwind! I thought of going somewhere, to drop me in Bukidnon instead of pushing Camiguin, weighing things. I need to be home the next day even if its late at night! I immediately searched the internet, reviewed my bucketlist of places to visit in Bukidnon which include Blue Waters, Nasuli Spring, Lake Apo, Musuan Peak, and finally chose to stop at Impalutao, Impasug-ong, Bukidnon to visit CEDAR on my own. My younger brother also got stirred by the Camiguin trip so he joined in.  I packed my stuff in just a jiffy and went away to our assembly place. We were the early birds! But no, they're just the late comers. PINOY time it is! While waiting for the others, my mother ask if I can invite another because there's more space in the vehicle. I messaged one who's just available anytime, Bullet. I told her to come very soon and she appeared by then. You see! :)

We left Davao City by noon. It's late for me but I had no right to complain, hehe. Bullet and I were planning our itinerary and where to stay in Bukidnon. We were all set. But the rest wanted us to stay until Camiguin. When we reached Impasug-ong, my mother insisted to hold us because it was already dark and we're not even sure familiar of the place. I kept my bad mood in silence and consider Camiguin. It doesn't mean I don't want to go there, I would love to but I don't have much leisure time as a contractual nurse. It took us 8 hours to arrive at Cagayan de Oro City, there's a house lived by our fellow's daughter, with a delightful dinner that had been waiting for us to be consumed.

The group stayed there for a few hours. My family and Bullet took a power nap inside the van. I haven't slept yet from duty, by the way. The others walked the night in CDO, then we're back to the road again by 3 AM heading to Balingoan Port, a 2-hour drive to the ferry.

Balingoan Port at 5 AM

My family

Port of Benoni, Camiguin Island

From Balingoan to Benoni Port, it will take you an hour to cross the sea. The island of Camiguin looks very near that I almost got bored waiting in the ferry to arrive. When I finally set my foot on the island, a thought came out of my mind "Patay, nakaabot na gyud ko'g Camiguin! Lord, Ikaw na bahala." -Contemplating ABSENT.

I don't want to think about my duty but I still can't help it. My colleagues and seniors might get angry. Yes I think a lot, but God, I don't want to spoil this opportunity! So I managed to enjoy the scenery.

Soda Swimming Pool


The Sunken Cemetery


We only visited a few spots and missed the old church ruins, Mt. Hibok-Hibok peak, and other waterfalls in the island. Because I was reprimanded by my supervisor for informing that I will be absent (also threatened to be fired), Bullet and I decided to go back to Davao, while the rest of the group traveled to the White Island and Divine Mercy Shrine in Misamis Oriental the next day. I was really dismayed by the terror but I thanked God for all though. Bullet and I still enjoyed being on our own, and for having the free access to witness Camiguin and all the roads going there.

P.S. I never regret taking the trip albeit the rebuke from missing my duty!